From release of EE7.2 the jet plume condition is provided, which was previously only available in EFDC but not accessible from EE. When the user creates a new boundary condition there is now the option of type 8, Jet plume. The form for editing the Jet Plume BC is shown in Jet Plume Boundary Condition Editor. EFDC_DSI has also been updated to better work with the EE defined jet plume settings.
Similar to flow boundary condition or withdrawal/return user interfaces, the settings for jet/plume boundary conditions are easier to use. Flow data of a jet plume boundary can link to a flow time series, a W/R time series or be by-passed. The diffuser port settings for each discharge cell include the number of ports, the elevation and the diameters of the port outlets and the horizontal (azimuth) and vertical (altitude) angles. Jet Plume Boundary Condition Editor illustrates the temperature distribution in case of two diffusers in a weak flow stream.
Figure 1 Modify/Edit Jet Plume BC Properties.
Figure 2 Thermal Discharge from Multiport Diffusers using Jet Plume BC.