Propwash Module

Propwash Module

The aim of this page is to document the modifications necessary for the Propwash module within EFDC+.

Input files

The propwash module will require several input files to run. These will all be in the JSON format.

  1. Other propwash parameters

  2. Ship propeller data

  3. Ship track data

Propwash Parameters

input file name: propwash_parms.inp

This input file contains some parameters related to the determination of some propwash velocity field size. I know Luis had determined some of these likely will not change but I think it would be best to have some flexibility if these need to be changed.

{ "mesh": { "num_axial_elems": 68, "radial_elems_per_axial": 10 }, "parms": { "num_efflux_zone": 5, "zone_flow_est": 15, "established_flow": 50, "efflux_mult": 0.35, "flow_mult": 3.5, "wash_mult": 200.0 } }
!< @todo are these hardwired for all time? integer(kind = rk4) :: total_r_elems ! number of elements in the r direction odd integer(kind = rk4) :: half_r_elems ! half corresponds to r = 0 integer(kind = rk4) :: num_efflux_zone !< efflux zone number of x elements integer(kind = rk4) :: zone_flow_est !< zone of flow establishment integer(kind = rk4) :: established_flow !< zone of established flow integer(kind = rk4) :: num_x !< total number of x elements integer(kind = rk4) :: num_theta ! every 15 degrees in [0,345] real(kind = rkd) :: efflux_mult !< multiplier for the size of the efflux zone real(kind = rkd) :: flow_mult !< multiplier for the size of the flow establishment zone real(kind = rkd) :: wash_mult !< multiplier to decide how long the propwash field is

Ship Propeller data

input name: propwash_propeller_data.inp

Proposed format for the ship propeller data

{ "all_ships" : [ { "ship_id" : 1234 , "ship_name" : "sample name", "thrust_coeff" : 0.24 , "revolutions_per_min" : 2 , "prop_diameter" : 2.3, "prop_hub_diameter" : 0.2 , "blade_area_ratio" : 0.6, "pitch_ratio" : 0.9, "num_blades" : 4, "length": 40, "power": 2000, "max_draught": 4, "min_draught": 3, "gross_tonnage": 2000 }, { "ship_id" : 5678, "ship_name" : "another ship name", "thrust_coeff" : 0.3, "revolutions_per_min" : 3 , "prop_diameter" : 4.1, "prop_hub_diameter" : 0.35, "blade_area_ratio" : 0.75, "pitch_ratio" : 0.9, "num_blades" : 4, "length": 40, "power": 2000, "max_draught": 4, "min_draught": 3, "gross_tonnage": 2000 }, ] }

An unlimited number of ships may be added to this input file. Dynamic array allocation will be based on the total number of ships inputted into this file.

The “ship_id' is an integer value that should uniquely identify the ship. We could change this into a string value if that is preferable. But it will just require additional care on the string handling.

All of these ships are placed into a ship type and all ships can be referenced from a global array of all the ships.

Units and precision specification for a given ship object:

integer :: ship_id = 0 !< identifier of the ship character(len=100) :: name = ' ' !< name of the ship Real (kind = RKD) :: thrust_coeff = 0.0 ! Ct !< Propeller Thrust Coefficient Real (kind = RKD) :: rpm_prop = 0.0 ! n !< Revolutions per second of the Propeller Real (kind = RKD) :: prop_diam = 0.0 ! D !< Propeller diameter [meters] Real (kind = RKD) :: prop_hub_diam = 0.0 ! Dh !< Propeller hub diameter [meters] Real (kind = RKD) :: blade_area_ratio = 0.0 ! BAR !< Blade Area Ratio Real (kind = RKD) :: pitch_ratio = 0.0 ! PD !< Pitch ratio Integer (kind = RK4) :: num_blades = 0 ! z !< Number of blades real (kind = rkd) :: length = 0.0 !> length of the ship in [meters] real (kind = rkd) :: power = 0.0 !> max power of the ship [horsepower] real (kind = rkd) :: max_draught = 0.0 !> max draught of the ship real (kind = rkd) :: min_draught = 0.0 !> min draught of the ship real (kind = rkd) :: gross_tonnage = 0.0 !> gross tonnage of the ship [units, which tons?]

Note, [units = n/a] indicates there are no units for this property.

Ship Track Data

Input name: propwash_track_data.inp

We can approach tracking of the ships in several ways. One approach would be to have a single input file with all of the ship tracks. The JSON format of that file could look something like a series of ship_id objects containing an array of ship_position objects. Each ship_position object contains the x,y,z coordinates and time. I would imagine this file would be based on observational data for a system or specific by a user within EE. I think within EE, there should be some checks to make sure this track would be valid. Otherwise we could get into a situation where the boat may appear to be traveling over land as highlighted in the Figure below. We need to avoid the situation akin to the one shown in the Figure below.

To get the boat position between time stamps within EFDC+ linear interpolation between the positions will be required.

The ship track data can now handle multiple tracks per ship.

A simple example (with made up data values) to highlight the JSON structure is given below:

{ "all_ship_tracks": [ { "ship_id": 981387239, "ship_tracks": [ { "track": [ { "time": 0.00, "x_position": 44.94, "y_position": 175.91, "speed": 1.2, "course": 30, "heading": 35, "draught": 2 }, { "time": 0.25, "x_position": 77.34, "y_position": 185.66, "speed": 1.6, "course": 100, "heading": 120, "draught": 2 } ] }, { "track": [ { "time": 0.65, "x_position": 64.72, "y_position": 205.66, "speed": 1.2, "course": 36, "heading": 42, "draught": 2 }, { "time": 1.2, "x_position": 100.72, "y_position": 305.66, "speed": 1.2, "course": 90, "heading": 98, "draught": 2 } ] } ] }, { "ship_id": 423861982, "ship_tracks": [ { "track": [ { "time": 0.25, "x_position": 64.72, "y_position": 205.66, "speed": 1.1, "course": 30, "heading": 35, "draught": 2 }, { "time": 0.55, "x_position": 94.72, "y_position": 105.66, "speed": 1.2, "course": 40, "heading": 45, "draught": 2 } ] } ] } ] }

Units and precision specification for a given ship_position object:

"x_position": [Real 8] [units = meters] "y_position": [Real 8] [units = meters] "time": [Real 8] [units = hours] "velocity": [units = meters/second] "course": [units = degrees] "heading": [units = degrees] "draught": [units = feet? meters?]

Required Type/class Methods

Within the EFDC+ code I am organizing everything around a “ship class ”. Note, types and class may be used interchangeable throughout this discussion. That ship class looks like:

type :: ship integer (kind = RK4) :: id !< identifier of the ship character(len=100) :: name !< name of the ship type(position_cell) :: pos !< current position of the ship type(propeller) :: prop !< propeller properties of the ship type(vel_field) :: vel_field !< propwash velocity field from the ship type(erosive_flux) :: er_flux !< calculated sub-grid erosive flux based on the ships propwash type(position), Allocatable, Dimension(:) :: track_positions !< Array of all track positions for the ship real(kind = rkd) :: heading_angle !< heading of the ship in radians end type

Position class:

Type Position Real (kind = RKD) :: x_pos = 0.0 !< x position [meters] Real (kind = RKD) :: y_pos = 0.0 !< y position [meters] Real (kind = RKD) :: z_pos = 0.0 !< z position [meters] Real (kind = RKD) :: time = 0.0 !< Current time we are at End Type

Position Cell Class (extends position type)

type, extends(position) :: position_cell Integer(kind = RK4) :: cell = 0 !< L cell index the ship is in Integer(kind = RK4) :: sub_domain_id = 0!< sub-domain the ship currently belongs in end type

Propeller class

type propeller real (kind = RKD) :: thrust_coeff ! Ct !< Propeller Thrust Coefficient real (kind = RKD) :: rpm_prop ! n !< Revolutions per second of the Propeller real (kind = RKD) :: prop_diam ! D !< Propeller diameter [m] real (kind = RKD) :: prop_hub_diam ! Dh !< Propeller hub diameter [m] real (kind = RKD) :: blade_area_ratio ! BAR !< Blade Area Ratio real (kind = RKD) :: pitch_ratio ! PD !< Pitch ratio integer (kind = RK4) :: num_blades ! z !< Number of blades end type propeller


Velocity field class:

! *** Type that defines the velocity field of the ship from the propwash type :: vel_field real (kind = RKD) :: efflux_vel ! Vo !< efflux velocity [m/s] real (kind = RKD) :: radial_max_vel ! Rmo !< location of maximum vel in radial direction real (kind = RKD), allocatable :: r(:) ! r !< radius from main axis established by testing real (kind = RKD), allocatable :: vel_max_axial(:) ! Vmax !< array of max vel in axial direction real (kind = RKD), allocatable :: vel_x_radial(:,:) ! Vxr !< array of velocities in radial dir at x real (kind = RKD), allocatable :: axial_mesh(:) ! x !< array of distance from propeller type(position), allocatable :: xyz_coords(:,:,:) ! (x,y,z) coordinates of each radial point


Erosive flux class:

Type erosive_flux Real(kind = RKD), Allocatable, Dimension(:) :: sub_grid_flux Real(kind = RKD) :: total_flux End type

All tracks class:

type all_tracks type(position), allocatable, dimension(:) :: tracks !< Array of all track positions for the ship end type

The methods will be subroutines that act on the data within this ship class. Again, the conversion from typical object oriented terminology to Fortran specific terms may be used interchangeable, e.g., subroutine/method. The necessary subroutines we need for now are listed below.

  • init_propwash_data

    • Purpose: This should initialize necessary arrays for handling the propwash calculations. Should call the read data routines.

      • read_propeller_data

        • Input data: propeller_data

        • Purpose: Read in the propeller specific data for a given ship

      • read_ship_tracks

        • Input data: ship_track

        • Purpose: Read in the ship tracks array into a global array of ship_track objects.

  • broadcast_ship_tracks

    • Purpose: Send out the ship track data from master to all processes.

  • output_ship_data

    • Purpose: Write out any relevant data on the ship or propwash that might be relevant. Could put the total erosive flux and other calculated parameters necessary for debugging?

    • Other data we want to analyze with EE?

  • get_current_position

    • Purpose: Get the current position of the ship. This should be based on the ship track that is read in from a file. May require calling the interpolate_position subroutine to get the position between time stamps. Should check that the

  • interpolate_position

    • Purpose: Interpolate the position of the ship if the current simulation time is between time stamps. Should put a check on if an interpolation is necessary and/or setup a threshold value for interpolating between values since the time steps might be really small compared to the speed of the boat and recomputing the interpolation may be unnecessary.

  • calculate_velocity_field

    • Purpose: calculates the propwash velocity field from the ship based on the work Luis has done. This sets up the sub-grid cells that will be projected onto the EFDC+ large scale grid cells.

  • determine_bed_intersection

    • Purpose: determine which cells intersect the calculated propwash velocity field.

  • determine_resultant_velocity

    • Purpose: Determine the resultant velocity between the sub-grid propwash cells and interpolated large scale velocity (from the normal EFDC+ hydrodynamics.

  • calculate_erosive_flux

    • Purpose: Determine the erosive flux using the resultant velocity at each sub-grid cell.

  • update_global_erosive_flux

    • Purpose: Determine the total erosive flux for the cell and update the global erosive flux

  • communicate_across_domains

    • Purpose: Communicate and track a ship when it reaches a ghost cell of the current sub-domain.


Ship heading

To determine the heading angle in the 2D I/J or X/Y space everything is based off of the positive x-axis and angles are counterclockwise from that. This is illustrated below for two different hypothetical tracks.


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