Spline Operations

Spline Operations

After drawing splines, a spline layer is added to the Layer Control panel, Select the Splines layer then LMC on a spline in the workspace, it will be highlighted in red. Next, RMC on that spline to display options as shown in Spline Operations#Figure 1.

Break Splines: Selecting this option will split the spline into two splines

Insert Splines Control Point: Selecting this option will add a spline point

Delete Splines Control Point: Selecting this option will remove a spline point

Delete Splines: Selecting this option will remove the spline

Copy Splines: Selecting this option will copy that spline to another spline layer. After selecting this option, the Select Layer form will pop up as shown in Spline Operations#Figure 2. From the drop-down list, we can select <New Layer> or an available splines layer there.

Clear Selection: Selecting this option will clear the selection of that spline. The spline will not be highlighted.

Figure 1. Draw splines procedure.

Figure 2. Copy Spline.