File Menu

File Menu

Clicking on the File menu in the main toolbar provides a number of options as shown in File Menu#Figure 1. The function of each option is described in the table below.

Figure 1. File menu options.





New Project

The New Project option (or press Ctrl+N key combination) will clear all the data in the workspace, and the user will start working on a new project.

Open Project

The Open Project option will load a project saved on the computer's hard drive or in external memory. When this option is selected a separate window appears, as shown in File Menu#Figure 2, which allows the user to browse the project file. The *.gpp file may also be dragged and dropped onto the workspace to open the project. Note that the *.gpp extension is a Grid+, whereas *.gpc extension is the grid format.

Save Project

The Save Project option will save the entire project to one *.gpp file. This includes the polygon shapefile, the splines, and the grid. When the user saves a project a browsing window similar to File Menu#Figure 2 in Open Project allows the user to specify the desired save location. The project file is saved as a .gpp file.

Save As Project

The Save As Project option allows the user to save the current project to another single .gpp file


The Import  option imports different file types as a grid, EFDC grid, geo-referenced map, overlay, and splines, as shown in File Menu#Figure 3.


The Export option exports the grid to different file types as a grid (Grid+ grid), RGF grid, and EFDC grid, as shown in File Menu#Figure 4.

Quit Application

This option exits the application.

Figure 2. Open project browsing window.

Figure 3. Import option.

Figure 4. Export option.

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