Water Level option provides for a range of water depth derived parameters. The two main uses of this option are to plot Water Depth and Water Elevation. Figure 1 shows parameters of the Water Level. An example of water elevation is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1. 2DH View: Water Level menu.
Area Extents | This option displays an inundation map and computes areas using a specified minimum depth and duration. The user can change the minimum depths and durations and EFDC_Explorer will recompute the areas and display the results. |
Hazard Area Extents | This option displays the FEMA velocity hazard level defined as depth * velocity head (v2/2g). The areas displayed and the areas computed are based on the computed hazard level over a specified minimum. The user can change the minimum level and EFDC_Explorer will recompute the areas and display the results. |
Overtopping Flow | This displays the FEMA defined overtopping depth which is defined as: depth * velocity. |
Overtopping Head | This displays the FEMA defined overtopping depth which is defined as: depth + velocity head (v2/2g). |
Total Head | Displays the total head, water surface elevation + velocity head (v2/2g). Only available if the velocities have been loaded. |
Water Depth | This option displays water depth of the model. |
Water Elevation | This option displays water surface elevation of the model. |
Wet/Dry | Provides a two color display for wet cells (blue) and dry (gray). The wet/dry determination is made using the dry depth unless the Use Wet option is checked, in which case the wetting depth will be used. The areas and the numbers of wet/dry cells are reported. |
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Figure 2. 2DH View: Water Elevation.