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Lake Thonotosassa is the largest natural freshwater lake in Hillsborough County covering an area of 849 acres (3.44 km2) (Hillsborough County Water Atlas). The lake is fed by Baker Creek at the southeastern end of the lake and water flows out through Flint Creek on the northeastern end to the Hillsborough River (Figure 1). This guidance document carries on from the hydrodynamic model introduced in Build a 2D Lake Model (Level 1 Step-by-Step Guidance). The model files are contained in the Demonstration Models of the Resources page folder file (1.14 Lake T Hydrodynamic and WQ Model).   


The hydrodynamic model is used as the basis for building a water quality model that is part of this guidance document. Figure 2 provides a representation of the digital terrain model for Lake Thonotosassa. All of the boundary types for the Lake Thonotosassa model are flow boundaries, the locations of flow boundary conditions are presented in Figure 3. Flow discharge and temperature used for the model are shown in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows a wind rose of the wind data.


Open the hydrodynamic model then add wind data in the model as shown in Figure 6.

From Model Control form, select External Forcing Data menu item, RMC on Wind sub-option and select Add a Data Series to add wind data series. 


Update the Series Name for associated time series. In this case, the title “Winds” for current series 1.

Copy and paste time series data, “Winds.dat,” into the workspace corresponding to the winds as shown in Figure 7 then click the OK button.

Figure 7
Figure 7

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Figure 7. Wind Boundary Data Series form.


From the Model Control form, RMC on Modules the tree - menu and check Temperature and Water Quality modules then click OK to activate these modules as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8
Figure 8

Figure 8 Activate Temperature and Water Quality (1).

After activating Temperature and Water Quality modules, these modules will appear in on the left side of the Model Control form, under Modules tree for setting as shown in in Figure 9.

Figure 9
Figure 9

Figure 9 Activate Temperature and Water Quality (2).


1. From Model Control form, RMC on Temperature sub-item, under Modules. Here the user can select (1) Setting to go to Temperature Parameters form to set temperature parameters, (2) Initial Condition to assign temperature IC (Figure 10). 

Figure 10
Figure 10


2. From Model Control form, RMC on Temperature under Modules, select Settings to open Temperature Parameters form as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11
Figure 11

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Figure 11. Temperature Parameters form.


2.1. In the General tab, under Bed Heat Exchange Coefficients frame, set Heat Transfer Coefficient value to 0.3, Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient value to 0, as shown in Figure 12. The evaporation options can be selected from the drop-down menu, 

Figure 12
Figure 12

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Figure 12. Temperature Parameters - General setting.


2.2. Move to the Surface Heat Exchange tab, the drop-down list provides several options, including No Atmospheric Linkage, Full Heat Balance, External Equilibrium Temperature, Constant Equilibrium Temperature, Equilibrium temperature (CE-QUAL-W2 method) and Full Heat Balance with Variable Extinction Coeff. Select Equilibrium Temp (CE-QUAL-W2 method) and set parameters as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13
Figure 13


2.3. Move to the Initial Conditions tab (shown in Figure 14), set parameters for Bed Temperatures Initial Conditions, then click Assign button in the Initial Conditions for Water Temperature frame to open Apply Cell Properties via Polygons: Temp form to assign temperature IC as shown in Figure 14. Select Use Constant from the Set Initial Conditions and set Operator = 10.5. In the Layer Options frame select Set for All the layers to assign the same value to all layers or select For A Specific Layer to set for each layer, then click on Apply button to assign temperature IC and OK to close the form and return it to the parent form (Figure 15).

Figure 14
Figure 14

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Figure 14. Temperature Parameters - Initial Conditions setting.


2.4. Move to the Boundary Conditions tab. Here the user can create the number of atmospheric and temperature data series as shown in Figure 16.   In the Atmospheric Data frame, click on

Figure 16
Figure 16

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Figure 16. Temperature Parameters - Boundary Conditions setting.

In the Atmospheric Data frame, click on the Edit button then the Boundary Data Series form appears to assign atmospheric data series (Figure 17). Click Add New button to add a new time series then put a name as "Atmospheric" for the Series Name then press Enter key as shown in in Figure 17.

Figure 17
Figure 17

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Figure 17. Boundary Condition Settings: Temperature Data Series (1).

Copy and paste time series from “Atmospheric.dat” file from the Data folder, then click OK (Figure 18)


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Figure 1618. Temperature Parameters - Boundary Conditions setting. AnchorFigure 17Figure 17

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Figure 17. Boundary Condition Settings: Temperature Data Series (1).


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Figure 18. Boundary Condition Settings: Atmospheric Boundary Condition Settings: Atmospheric Data Series (2).

In the Temperature Data frame (Figure 16), click on Edit button then the Boundary Data Series form appears to assign Temperature data series (Figure 19). Click Add New button to add a new time series then put a name as "Temp Inflow" for the Series Name then press Enter key as shown in Figure 19.

Copy and paste time series from “Temperature.dat” file from the Data folder, then click OK (Figure 20)

Figure 19
Figure 19

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Figure 19. Boundary Condition Settings: Temperature Data Series (1).

Figure 20
Figure 20

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Figure 20. Boundary Condition Settings: Temperature Data Series (2).


From the Model Control form, RMC on Water Quality sub-menu under Modules, select Setting to open Water Quality form as  shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21
Figure 21


1. Proceed to the Kinetics tab, select Module 1 (Standard) from the Global Kinetic Options frame drop down dropdown, then click on Params button to display the list of simulated parameters; type 1 for simulated parameter and 0 for not simulated, then click OK as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22
Figure 22

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Figure 22. Kinetics Computation Options.

2. Click the Modify Modify Parameter button in Water Column Kinetics frame for Use Zones for Kinetics to edit Kinetic Parameters for the current zone as shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23
Figure 23

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Figure 23. Kinetics Parameters by zone.


3. Click the Fecal Coliform Decay button in the frame Water Column Kinetics to edit Parameter for the current zone as shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24
Figure 24


4. Click the Light Extinction button in the frame Water Column Kinetics to edit light extinction options as shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25
Figure 25


Proceed to the Nutrients tab as shown in Figure 26.

In the Nutrient Options & Parameters frame: (1) click Temperature Effects button to edit temperature effects as shown in Figure 27; (2) click Carbon button to edit the Carbon parameters as shown in Figure 28; (3) Nitrogen button to edit the Nitrogen parameters as shown in in Figure 29; (4) Phosphorus button to edit the Phosphorus parameters as shown in Figure 30; (5) COD&DO button to edit the COD&DO parameters as shown in Figure 31.

In the Sorption Options frame: Select Total Active Metal (TAM) Based option and (6) click Modify Parameters buttons to edit Nutrient Sorption Parameters as shown in Figure 32.

Figure 26
Figure 26

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Figure 26. Water Quality Tab: Nutrients.


Figure 32
Figure 32

Figure 32. Nutrients: (16) Nutrient Sorption Parameters.

3.2.3 Water Quality –




To configure the algae to the model, proceed to the Algae Biota tab which is shown in Figure 32; in the Solar Radiation for Algae frame, select source drop-down and select Constant, then click (1) Modify button to edit solar radiation parameters as shown in Figure 33. In Algae Options, click (2) Algal Dynamics button to edit Algal Growth Parameters, Global Setting shown in Figure 34(3) Stoichiometry button to edit Algal Growth/Decay Stoichiometry Constants shown in Figure 35; (4) Temperature button to edit Algal Growth Temperature Constants shown in Figure 36; (5) Half-Saturation button to edit Algal Half-Saturation Constants shown in Figure 37; (6) Light Extinction button to edit Light Extinction Options shown in Figure 38; (7) Optimal Depths button to edit Algal Growth Optimal Depths shown in Figure 39.


33. By default, there are four algal groups, in this model only one algal group (green algae) is simulated (Figure 22).

In Algae and Macrophyte Options frame: click Modify button, the form of Algae and Macrophyte Options will be appeared as shown inFigure 34. Select Green Algae for Select Biota. Settings for the current green algae through GeneralGrowth, Basal Metabolism, Predation tabs as shown from Figure 34 to Figure 37.

In the Solar Radiation Option for Photosynthesis frame (Figure 33), select source drop-down and select Constant, then click Modify button to edit solar radiation parameters as shown in Figure 38.

Figure 33
Figure 33
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Figure 33. Algae: (1) Solar Radiation Options Water Quality: Biota tab.

Figure 34
Figure 34

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Figure 34. Green Algae: (2) Algal Dynamics Growth ParametersGeneral.

Figure 35
Figure 35

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Figure 35. 35 Green Algae: (3) Algal StoichiometryGrowth.

Figure 36
Figure 36

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Figure 36. Green Algae: (4) Algal TemperatureBasal Metabolism.

Figure 37
Figure 37

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Figure 37. Green Algae: (5) Algal Half-SaturationPredation.


Figure 38
Figure 38

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Figure 38. Algae: (6) Algal Light Extinction.

AnchorFigure 39

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Figure 3938. Algae: (7) Algal Optimal DepthsSolar Radiation Options.

3.2.4 Water Quality – Initial Conditions

Proceed to the Initial Conditions tab as shown in Figure 40. In Initial Conditions frame, click on the drop-down menu and select Spatially Constant, then click Const IC's button to edit then edit each of the water quality parameters shown in Figure 40 and Figure 41.

Figure 40
Figure 40

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Figure 40. Water Quality Tab: Initial Conditions.

Figure 41
Figure 41

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Figure 41. WQ Initial Conditions Parameters.


3.2.6 Water Quality – Benthic

1. Proceed to the Benthic Sediment Fluxes tab shown in Figure 64.

2. Select Modify Parameters button will now displayed under Sediment Diagenesis Option & Parameters as Fluxes as shown in Figure 65.

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Figure 64. Water Quality Tab: BenthicSediment Fluxes.

3. From the Sediment Diagenesis Option & Parameters form (Figure 65), in the top frame, Benthic Nutrient Flux Method select Spatially & Temporally Constant; enter the values of parameters in the Constant Benthic Flux Rates frame as shown in Figure 65.


6. RMC on Linkage sub-option to open EFDC Model Linkages form, in the EFDC_+ Explorer Linkage Linkage frame, set the Linkage Output Frequency under EFDC_+ Explorer Linkage frame to 60 minutes as shown in Figure 70.

Figure 70. Main Form – Timing / Linkage: EFDC_+ Explorer Linkage.

7. Click the Run EDFC  icon on the toolbar to open EFDC+ Run Options form; in  the General tab, enter the number of OMP Threads, KMP Offset and check the executable file then click Run EFDC+ button to run the model as shown in Figure 71.

Figure 71 EFDC+ Run Options form.

5. Viewing Water Quality




+ Explorer

1. 2DH View

1. After the model run has finished, from the toolbar, click onicon or select 2DH View\ New 2DH View from the toolbar to open the 2DH View window as in Figure 72 below.
