The Water Quality Initial Conditions tab, shown in Figure 1 provides access to the sediment initial conditions settings for Water Quality. Here the user may select spatially constant or spatially varying initial conditions for each of the water quality parameters. To set spatially varying initial conditions for the water quality parameters the user must interpolate data onto the model cells using the Apply Cell Properties via Polygons utility. If the EFDC model uses Spatially Varying IC’s (ICIFN Format), then the user must specify which input data format to use, i.e. WQWCRST.INP or the WQICI format. EFDC_Explorer will generate the IC’s in the format specified. Pressing the Initialize IC’s button assigns the entire domain for all parameters to the values specified as the spatially constant IC’s.
The user may later edit any of these IC fields using 2DH ViewPlan. To access the data the user should select Water Column as the main Viewing Option then Water Quality as the sub-option, then select the parameter desired.
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Figure 1 Initial Condition for Water Quality.