Water Quality IC

Water Quality IC

The Initial Conditions Water Quality form ( Figure 1) provides tools for the user to set the initial conditions settings for water quality. 

There are three options to select spatially varying initial conditions for water quality parameters. Users can set a constant value when selecting Spatially Constant.  If the EFDC model uses Spatially Varying IC’s (ICIFN Format) or Spatially Varying IC’s (WQWCRST.INP), then users should specify which input data format to use, i.e. ICIFN or WQWCRST.INP format.

Figure 1. Initial Condition for Water Quality.

Figure 2 shows the way to set spatially varying initial conditions for the water quality parameters. Users are able to press Varying IC's and then interpolate each data class of the model cells using this interpolation utility. The options and format of data files that may be imported to the Interpolate Classed Data  is similar to Apply Cell Properties via Polygon. Initialize IC’s is used to assign the entire domain for all parameters to the values specified as the spatially constant IC’s. 

Figure 2. Set Spatially Varying Initial Conditions.

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