Although similar to a flow boundary condition or withdrawal/return user interfaces, the settings for jet/plume boundary conditions are unique to this boundary condition. In the Jet/Plume Type drop-down menu the user specifies the flow data of a jet plume boundary to link to with the options of by-passing (ICAL=0), use a flow time series (QSER, ICAL=1), use a withdrawal return time series (W/R, ICAL=2). The user may also specify the frequency, in number of time steps, to update the JP calculations.
In the Diffuser Port Settings for Current Cell the user may specify the settings for each discharge cell including the number of ports, the elevation and the diameters of the port outlets, as well as the horizontal (azimuth) and vertical (altitude) angles.
In the Control Parameters frame the user can set the #Elements, which is the maximum number of vertical computational elements along the length of the jet or plume. The user may also specify the frequency, in number of time steps, for updating the Jet/plume in maximum number of iterations is set in the #Iterations form.
With the Entrainment Option menu the user sets whether to use the maximum of shear and forced entrainment, or use the sum of shear and forced entrainment.