The Flow Boundary Condition Editor is shown in Figure 1. For flow BC's the Flow Assignment frame has several useful functions. The Edit button to allow the user to edit the associated time series. The All buttons next to the fields in this subframe allow the user to quickly assign all the boundary cells in the current group to the parameter specified in the adjacent field. For example, pressing the All next to the Flow Table field shown in Figure 1 would set the flow series number for all cells in the US Flow flow group to the current Flood Flow table settings. If the user has an input flow series for a river that requires distributing the river flow across several cells, the single time series of flow can be specified in the Flow Table and the Factor can be set to split the flow appropriately among the cells. The Dist Factors button sets the Factor based on cell volumes. A constant inflow can also be distributed in a similar manner by using the Dist Flow button next to the Constant Flow field.