Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

To save a currently opened project (i.e. Write Operation), click on the disk button highlighted on the toolbar shown in Figure 3 2.
The Select Directory: Write Operation form will be displayed (Figure 3 41). The user has the option to select which files are written by selecting the appropriate Save Option button. For a complete save of all the input files select the Full Write option. If you have only made changes to the formatting options in EFDC_Explorer and want those saved, select the Save Profile option. The profile is always saved for the other save options also.

Image Modified


Figure 1
Figure 1
Figure 1  Select Directory: Write Operation.

If the user only has the "*.EFDC" archive file and wants to create a set of files that EFDC needs to run that project, the user must select the Full Write option to create all the input files required.
To create a new project using the existing project, use the Create New button to create a new subdirectory under the currently displayed directory. All the .INP files will be copied to the new directory after the user selects OK on the Write Operation form.
