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From the Model Control, go to the Model Analysis, in case the data stations have been defined to compare to the model output, the Auto Generate Data, Plot Statistics is enabled by RMC on the sub-tab of the Model Analysis as shown in Copy of Auto generate data, plot statistics(1).

Figure 1
Figure 1

Figure 1: Auto Generate Data, Plot Statistics options.

Right after the Auto Generate Data, Plot Statistics selected, the Auto Generate Options form will be displayed as shown in Copy of Auto generate data, plot statistics(1).

Generate Options frame:

The EE will generate the comparison plot automatically if the Automatically Generate Defined Plots box is checked. The Plot Location indicates where the plots will be stored. The plots will be store in #calib_plots folder as default settings. If the user wants to store the plots in other folder by clicking on the Browse button to change location.


Model Calibration Types: There are several model calibration types, however not all types will be enable at the same time for auto generate options. It depends on which calibration types the user selected. For example, the Vertical Profiles is selected to use auto generate option by RMC on the Vertical Profiles sub-tab of the Model Analysis as shown inĀ Copy of Auto generate data, plot statistics(1) so it will be enable in the Model Calibration Types frame as shown in Copy of Auto generate data, plot statistics(1).

When check-boxes options are defined and selected, finally click on the Auto Generate button to start generating data, plots, error statistics.
