Versions Compared


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Proceed to the Nutrients tab as shown in Figure 26; in Sorption Option select Total Active Metal (TAM) Based then (1) click Modify Parameters buttons to edit Nutrient Sorption Parameters Figure 27, in Nutrient Options and Parameters frame (2) click Carbon button to edit the Carbon parameters Figure 28; (3) Nitrogen button to edit the Nitrogen parameters Figure 29; (4) Phosphorus button to edit the Phosphorus parameters Figure 30; (5) COD&DO button to edit the COD&DO parameters Figure 31.

Figure 26
Figure 26

Figure 26. Water Quality Tab: Nutrients.

Figure 27
Figure 27

Figure 27. Nutrients: (1) Nutrient Sorption Parameters.

Figure 28
Figure 28

Figure 28. Nutrients: (2) Carbon Parameters.

Figure 29
Figure 29

Figure 29. Nutrients: (3) Nitrogen Parameters.

Figure 30
Figure 30

Figure 30. Nutrients: (4) Phosphorus Parameters.

Figure 31
Figure 31

Figure 31. Nutrients: (5) COD and DO Parameters


Proceed to the Algae tab which is shown in Figure 32; in the Solar Radiation for Algae frame, select source drop-down and select Constant, then click (1) Modify button to edit solar radiation parameters as shown in Figure 33. In Algae Options, click (2) Algal Dynamics button to edit Algal Growth Parameters, Global Setting shown in Figure 34(3) Stoichiometry button to edit Algal Growth/Decay Stoichiometry Constants shown in Figure 35; (4) Temperature button to edit Algal Growth Temperature Constants shown in Figure 36; (5) Half-Saturation button to edit Algal Half-Saturation Constants shown in Figure 37; (6) Light Extinction button to edit Light Extinction Options shown in Figure 38; (7) Optimal Depths button to edit Algal Growth Optimal Depths shown in Figure 39.

Figure 32
Figure 32

Figure 32. Water Quality Tab: Algae.

Figure 33
Figure 33

Figure 33. Algae: (1) Solar Radiation Options.

Figure 34
Figure 34

Figure 34. Algae: (2) Algal Dynamics Growth Parameters.

Figure 35
Figure 35

Figure. 35 Algae: (3) Algal Stoichiometry.

Figure 36
Figure 36

Figure 36. Algae: (4) Algal Temperature.

Figure 37
Figure 37

Figure 37. Algae: (5) Algal Half-Saturation.

Figure 38
Figure 38

Figure 38. Algae: (6) Algal Light Extinction.

Figure 39
Figure 39

Figure 39. Algae: (7) Algal Optimal Depths.


Proceed to the Initial Conditions tab as shown in Figure 40. In Initial Conditions frame, click on drop-down menu and select Spatially Constant, then click Const IC's button to edit each of the water quality parameters Figure 41.

Figure 40
Figure 40

Figure 40. Water Quality Tab: Initial Conditions.

Figure 41
Figure 41

Figure 41. WQ Initial Conditions Parameters.


1. Proceed to the Boundary Conditions tab as shown in Figure 42; Click the Edit button in the Time series Data frame to open Boundary Data Series form which is shown in Figure 43.

Figure 42
Figure 42

Figure 42. Water Quality Tab: Boundary Conditions.


2. Set the number of series to 1 in # box or click on Add New button to add a data series. Set the Series Name to "WQ Data" and type or copy and paste into the form for the time and cyanobacteria data as shown in Figure 43.

Figure 43
Figure 43

Figure 43. Boundary Condition Settings: Cyanobacteria Data Series.


3. Click on Select Class drop-down menu to select other parameters. Copy and paste into the form for the time and water quality parameter data. An example of the diatom algae parameter is shown in Figure 44.

Figure 44
Figure 44

Figure 44. Boundary Condition Settings: Diatom algae Data Series.


3) Green algae

Figure 45

13) Dissolved organic nitrogen

Figure 55

4) Refractory particulate organic carbon

Figure 46

14) Ammonia nitrogen

Figure 56

5) Labile particulate organic carbon

Figure 47

15) Nitrate nitrogen

Figure 57

6) Dissolved carbon

Figure 48

16) Particulate biogenic silica

Figure 58

7) Refractory part. organic phosphorus

Figure 49

17) Dissolved available silica

Figure 59

8) Labile particulate organic phosphorus

Figure 50

18) Chemical oxygen demand

Figure 60

9) Dissolved organic phosphorus

Figure 51

19) Dissolved oxygen

Figure 61

10) Total phosphate

Figure 52

20) Total active metal

Figure 62

11) Refractory part. Org. nitrogen

Figure 53

21) Fecal coliform bacteria

Figure 63

12) Labile part. organic nitrogen

Figure 54

Figure 45
Figure 45

Figure 45. Boundary Condition Settings: green algae.
