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The main toolbar in Grid+ provides all of the options most important for building and refining grid. The buttons from the main toolbar are shown in Main toolbar buttons#Figure 1 and their functions are described in the table below.

Figure 1 Main toolbar buttons.


The New Project button clears all the data in the workspace, and the user will start working on a new project.

The Load button loads a project saved on the computer's hard drive or in some external memory.

The Save button saves the entire project to one .GPP file. This is a general layout file, not the grid file loaded into EE. 

The Import button imports external files (see below for details).

The Export button exports the grid to different grid types (see below for details).

Toggle the Layer Control on/off.

View full layer extent.

Restore the previous view.
Select object
Mode node: this allows to move grid node, polyline node, or spline node.
Add node: this allows to will add a node in general. A node can be a grid node, a node of polyline, or splines.
Delete node: this allows to remove the grid node, polyline node, or spline node.

Edit objects by polygon

Add a new polyline.

Add a new spline.

Undo operation

Redo operation

Create a grid from splines

Create a rectangular grid

Create a radial grid

Refine grid

Coarse grid

Orthogonalize grid

Merge two grids

Global settings

Measurement Tool

Frame control: To add the North Arrow and Scale bar

The Import button provides a number of options as shown in Main toolbar buttons#Figure 2. These options are described in the table below.

Import Grid: open different types of the grid file as native grid type of Grid+, RGF grid, ECOMSED grid, SEAGRID, etc.

Import EFDC Model: open the EFDC input file (e.g corners.inp, dxdy.inp, lxly.inp)

Import Georeferenced Image: open a georeferenced background image (e.g *.jgw, *.geo)

Import Overlay: open an overlay file as shoreline, polyline, polygon (*.p2d, *.shp)

Import Splines: open the splines file (*.spl), this is a native file created from Grid+

Import Labels: open the label file (*.dat, *.p2d), this file has three columns. Two columns for coordinates (X, Y), and the third column is label names.

Import Cross-Sections: open the cross-section file (*.ldb, *.p2d), this file has three columns. Two columns are for coordinates (X, Y), and the third column is for elevation.

Import DEM: open the DEM (Digital Elevation Models) file (*.txt, *.asc, *.grd, *.tb2). DEMs are files that contain either points (vector) or pixels (raster), with each point or pixel having an elevation value.

Import Scatter Data: open the scatter dât file (*.xyz, *.dat) this file has three columns. Two columns are for coordinates (X, Y), and the third column is for elevation.

Figure 2 Import Menu.

The Export button provides a number of options as shown in Main toolbar buttons#Figure 3 . These options are described in the table below.

Export Grid: export the selected grid layer to the native grid file of Grid+ (*.gpc), CVLGrid (*.cvl), Delft3D (*.grd), and others.

Export to EFDC: export the selected grid layer to EFDC input files. The three files produced are the corners.inp, dxdy.inp, lxly.inp. Doing this allows the user to edit a grid and then reopen it in EEMS without changing the boundary conditions. If the user wants to create a wholly new model, including the EFDC.INP etc, then that should be done in EE rather than in Grid+ .

Export to Shapefile: export the selected grid layer to the shapefile, which can open with ArcGIS, QGIS, Global Mapper, and others.

Export to KML: export the selected grid layer to the KML file, which can open with Google Earth, Global Mapper, and others.

Export Graphics: export the workspace to an image file with various file formats as *.png, *.jpg, and others.

Figure 3 Export Menu.

  • No labels