DSI has developed a new generation grid-building tool called Grid+. This tool replaces our long-running CVLGrid. We have used the latest software platforms to create this new grid tool, which provides a more user-friendly GUI and a host of enhanced features. Grid+ makes the grid-building process faster and simpler for even the most challenging waterbodies. It features enhancements such as online background maps, improved orthogonalization routines, and the ability to download online bathymetry data.

Grid+ is fully integrated with EEMS, so it can be launched from EFDC+ Explorer GUI.

Several significant features of Grid+ are listed below.

Summary of Capabilities

The following list provides a summary of the major features of Grid+. It is recognized that there are other capabilities and improvements that can be made to Grid+ to increase the ease of use and effectiveness of the software. It is anticipated that new features and improvements will be made as resources are available.