The simulation timing options for EE10 are shown in Figure 1. RMC on Timing in Timing/Linkage menu item to edit the model timing. 

In this form, specify the time to start and end the run, along with the time stepping options and duration of the period. The Reference Date/Time (also known as the Base Date) is the time from which all Julian days are counted. Time of Start is the number of Julian days, relative to the Reference Date/Time, at which to begin the simulation. Changing the Time of Start will automatically update Start/Date Time. The End Date/time is calculated by adding the Number of Reference Periods to the Start Date/time. The Duration of Reference Period is used to define a project-specific meaningful period. This is often set to 24 hours to select a one day long reference period. The duration of the simulation is then set by specifying the number of reference periods. Other important options include:

Figure 1.   Timing/Linkage menu: Model Timing.