Go to the Cluster_Distribution folder
tar -xvf l_mpi_2019.6.166.tgz
Code Block |
tar -xvf l_mpi_2019.6.166.tgz
cd l_mpi_2019.6.166 |
Run the install script as:
Code Block |
./install.sh |
Press enter and read the agreement and type ‘accept’
Install on the default - (Single - Node)
The default install location will be
Lets change that to /fsx/intel
Enter the following for Customize Installation:
Code Block |
2 |
Customize Installation
Enter (Change install Directory ):
Code Block |
2 |
Code Block |
/fsx/intel |
You should see this updated on the prompt above
Now press enter to continue
The installation process should be complete and you will see the install related files under:
Now to ensure the MPI related exectuables are available in the path you need so ‘source’ the relevant intel setup scripts. An example of this is given in the sample_bashrc file under the Cluster_Distribution
Code Block |
source /fsx/intel/bin/compilervars.sh -arch intel64
source /fsx/intel/impi/2019.6.166/intel64/bin/mpivars.sh |
To ensure these commands are executed every time you log into the cluster add the two lines to your .bashrc file.
If you make the changes to your bashrc file you should go ahead and source that file
Code Block |
source ~/.bashrc |
Now, lets see if that put the new executables in your path. Enter:
Code Block |
which mpiexec |
You should see:
Code Block |
/fsx/itel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.0.166/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiexec |
Setting the Path for the OpenMP Runtime libraries
OpenMP requires shared runtime libraries that are accessed by each thread. These .so libraries are not shipped with the MPI distribution. They are available in the Cluster_Distribution folder under intel64_lin
To make these .so libraries available at run time you need to modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This is best accomplished by appending the .bashrc file. Simply add:
Code Block |
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/fsx/Cluster_Distribution/intel64_lin |
Remember to source the .bashrc
Verify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH was modified
Code Block |
You should see the /fsx/Cluster_Distribution/intel64_lin
at the end of your path
Running EFDC+ from the Command Line on Cluster Systems