master - contains code that is ready to be released in conjunction with EE. To differentiate between versions we will use the “git tags” feature. Changes to this branch will be updated with “pull requests” so that someone has a chance to review some of the changes before it goes into production.
develop - this will contain the most up to date features and changes to the code but might not be ready for a release into the master
bug fixes - if you want to fix a specific bug I think it would be great to make a bug fix that aligns with a Jira bug report. I think this is a goal for us to get to.
Here is a visual representation of the workflow.
Workflow Overview Using the Command Line
**In progress**
Guided Workflow Using Visual Studio
This section will provide a step by step instruction set for using git with Visual Studio’s build in extension.built in extension. I would recommend installing the Bitbucket specific extension. This will enable you to do pull requests from Visual Studio. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MistyK.VisualStudioBitbucketExtension
Open the Team Explorer window in Visual Studio
Then click right click the tag you made and click “Push”
Pull Requests for Syncing with the Master
Not sure how this is done through the Visual Studio tool, will have to look at that. Worst case I can do it when the time comes. Pushing code to the master should only happen when we need to coordinate with EEMS so it should not be super frequent.