The Layer Control panel, shown in Figure 1 1149894909, provides the user with a number of options to manage existing layers in the panel, including show turning on/off layers, remove removing layers, set and setting properties for layers.
To show/hide the Layer Control, the user can click on the arrow (<<) on the top bar of the panel or can click on the Toggle Layer Control On/Off button on the main toolbar. The frame size of the panel can be adjusted by moving the cursor to the edge of the panel then hold holding LMC and move moving the cursor.
To show turn on/off each layer by checking clicking on the checkbox of each layerRMC on the empty area inside the Layer Control panel to display a number of options for to turn on/off the layers as shown in Figure 2/off the light bulb on each layer. When selecting each layer (LMC on the layer), the attribute of the selected layer will be displayed at the bottom of the panel. For example, for grid layer, it will show the grid node dimensions.
RMC on each selected layer in the Layer Control to have to access more options. For example, Figure 3 1149894909 shows LMC options for a that selected grid layer.
The options available by RMC on each selected layer is different. However, there are some same options that are the same for all layers such as Turn All Layer Off, and Turn All Layer On.
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Figure 1. Layer Control panel.
Anchor Figure 32 Figure 32
Figure 2 RMC options in the Layer Control panel for turn on/off layers. Anchor Figure 3 Figure 3
Figure 3 RMC options for grid layer.