Line Smooth
To make the grid domain more even and to redistribute the distance between grid nodes the Line Smooth tool may be used. The steps to do this are:
Select aDelete Bottom Elevation
The Delete Bottom Elevation tool is used to clear the bottom elevation of the nodes within a defined area or in the gridline.
To view the bottom elevation of grid nodes, select the grid layer in the Layer Control
RMC on a node,
hold the Shift keythen
LMC on the second node (these two nodes must be on the same gridline), and the segment will be highlighted.RMC to display
theoptions, and select
the Line Smooth option as shown in 2129625089. As a result, grid nodes are distributed along with the selected segment as shown in 2129625089. Note that after applying this option, the grid should be orthogonalized again.Figure 1 Grid image before applying smoothing.
Figure 2 Grid image after applying smoothing.
Line Attraction
The Line Attraction tool is used to shift grid nodes forward to certain point or line. The nodes within a defined area are moved in the direction a gridline selected by the user. Show Labels / Bottom Elevation as shown in Process Bottom Elevation#Process Bottom Elevation#Figure 1. The bottom elevation values of nodes is then displayed. The following steps describe how to remove the bottom elevation of selected grid nodes.
- Select the grid layer in the Layer Control by LMC on that grid layer
- Set the mouse in the selection mode, hold the Shift key then and LMC on two edge grid nodes either on the same grid line segment or different gridline segments. The segment grid block will be highlighted in purple, then LMC on the third grid node to define the area to be affected. Next, release Shift, then RMC to show options, and select the Line Attraction optionthe Delete Bottom Elevation, as shown in 2129625089 Process Bottom Elevation#Process Bottom Elevation#Figure 2. As a result, a set the bottom elevation of nodes will be moved forward to the gridline segment as shown in 2129625089removed.
- To update the view of the bottom elevation of grid nodes after using the Delete Bottom Elevation, select show labels for bottom elevation as mentioned in Process Bottom Elevation#Process Bottom Elevation#Figure 1, the grid nodes whose bottom elevation has been removed will display as NaN labels as shown in Process Bottom Elevation#Process Bottom Elevation#Figure 3.
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Figure 1. Show bottom elevation labels of grid nodes.
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Figure 3 Line Attraction 2. Delete Bottom Elevation option.
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3. Bottom Elevation labels of grid nodes after using the Delete Bottom Elevation option.
Modify Bottom Elevation
The Line Repulsion Modify Bottom Elevation option is opposite used to the Line Attraction option in that the change the bottom elevation values of nodes in the defined area are moved away from the selected grid line. The steps to define the selected gridline and impacted area or grid bock are similar to the Line Attraction Delete Bottom Elevation option described above. After defining the impacted area, RMC to display options, and select the Line Repulsion as shown in 2129625089 Modify Bottom Elevation as shown in Process Bottom Elevation#Process Bottom Elevation#Figure 4. The Modify Selection form will display as shown in Process Bottom Elevation#Process Bottom Elevation#Figure 5. The radial options of this form are described below.
Assign a Constant Value: Select this option, enter a constant value in the Value field then click the Apply button will assign that value to all nodes within the grid bock. The value displayed in the Average field is the initial averaged value calculated from the nodes within the grid bock.
Add a Value To: Select this option, enter a constant value in the Value field then click the Apply button will add a value to each existing value of nodes within the grid bock.
Subtract a Value From: This option is the opposite to the Add a Value To option.
Multiply with a Value: Select this option, enter a constant value in the Value field then clicking the Apply button will multiply the bottom elevation value of each node within the grid bock with a value.
Divide by a Value: This option is the opposite to the Multiply with a Value option.
Delete Selected Values: This option will remove the bottom elevation values from the selected nodes. It works like the Delete Bottom Elevation option that is described above.
Apply: Click this button to proceed with the radial option.
Close: Click this button to close the form.
Cancel: Click this button to cancel option selection, even clicking the Apply button previously.
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Figure 4. A Modify Bottom Elevation option.
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Figure 5 Line Repulsion option
Figure 5. Modify Selection form.
Interpolate Bottom Elevation in I- or J-Direction
Sometimes a grid will have nodes that have different values for bottom elevation, and are some nodes are without bottom elevation values (NaN represents missing values) as shown in Process Bottom Elevation#Process Bottom Elevation#Figure 6. This option is used to interpolate and fill the bottom elevation in the I direction of the selected nodes. Displaying the I,J indices in advance helps to define which one is I or J direction.
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Figure 6. Show bottom elevation labels of a grid.
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Figure 7. Bottom elevation labels of a grid after using Interpolate Elevation in I-Direction option.
Extent Bottom Elevation in I- or J-Direction
This option extents the first or last data points to fill the missing data. For filling missing data between grid points, please use the Interpolation Elevation in I-Direction or in J-Direction.
Create XYZ Data from Block
After defining a grid block, then RMC display options as shown in Process Bottom Elevation#Process Bottom Elevation#Figure 8, select Create XYZ Data from block option to create an XYZ layer in the Layer Control. This contains the coordinates and elevation of nodes and displays as points, as shown in Process Bottom Elevation#Process Bottom Elevation#Figure 9. To export this layer to an external file, RMC on the layer then select Export Data Points option.
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Figure 8. Create XYZ Data from Block option.
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Figure 9. Generated XYZ layer.