The water quality sub-tabs of Kinetics, Nutrients, Algae, Initial Conditions, Boundary Conditions, and Benthic shown in Figure 1 below, provide the user with EE serves as a graphical user interface to the water quality sub-model of EFDC, sometimes called HEM3D (Park, et. al. 2000). The water quality module is EE has several sub-menu items including: Kinetics, Nutrients, Algae, Initial Conditions, Boundary Conditions, and Benthic. The report of the configuration can be viewed with a LMC on each item, and RMC will open the Water Quality form to modify the settings as shown in Figure 1 below. These menu items are described in the pages following. Note that the implementation of the water quality varies between versions of EFDC so the user should be aware of what is contained in the source code for their particular version of EFDC.