For most Viewing Opt's the Statistics tool on the toolbar is available to compute a range of statistics on the current view. For the Water Column option the Statistics tool provides additional capability. The Statistics tool can compute a time series of the mass weighted averages for any parameter for all or any subset of the model.
Water Quality
If water quality is being simulated the Wtr Quality option button is enabled as is the parameter dropdown list. In addition to the 22 EFDC water quality parameters, EFDC_Explorer has 26 derived parameters that can also be displayed. Table 7 5 provides a complete list of the EFDC and EFDC_Explorer derived parameters.
The kinetic subroutines in EFDC allow the parameters to be turned on and off, depending on the level of detail in a model. However, when a parameter is not turned on it still has a value (i.e. the initial condition) and may be used in the kinetic equations of parameters that are being simulated. Therefore, EFDC_Explorer always allows the display of all EFDC parameters. However, to make it clear as to which parameters were simulated and which were not, a "(NS)" is placed at the end of the parameter abbreviation shown in the dropdown list for those parameters not simulated.
For the EFDC_Explorer derived parameters a "(DP)" is placed on the end of the abbreviation to clearly indicate that the parameter was derived.
The ability to determine the % Bottom Irradiance can useful when the user is interested in cases where the amount of light penetration must be determined, such as where there are macrophytes or aquatic vegetation. Note that this tool only determines the potential for irradiance, and does not allow for day or night or factor in cloud cover etc. Pressing ALT-B accesses the Bottom Irradiance Tool. The user is first prompted for analysis of a polygon, which must then be loaded, or the whole model.
The subsequent option form is shown in Figure 7 501. The user should enter the Maximum Bottom Depth in meters. Cells deeper than this depth are displayed as white. As depths will vary due to tides it is usually most useful to calculate an average for the Depth Criteria Approach. The user should finally enter the Irradiance Target as a percentage. EFDC_Explorer will then calculate all the cells that fit the criteria and calculate statistics for those cells.
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Figure 1 ViewPlan: Water Column, % Irradiance Tool.
Table 7 5 Water quality parameter list available for display.
EFDC/HEM3D Parameters |
| EFDC_Explorer Derived Parameters (cont.) |
Abbrev | Name | Abbrev | Name |
CBact | Cyanobacteria | POrg C | Particulate Organic Carbon |
Alg-D | Diatom Algae | POrg N | Particulate Organic Nitrogen |
Alg-G | Green Algae | TKN | Total Kjedahl Nitrogen |
RPOrg C | Refractory Particulate Organic Carbon | Tot N | Total Nitrogen |
LPOrg C | Labile Particulate Organic Carbon | Chl a | Chlorophyll a |
DOrg C | Dissolved Organic Carbon | TION | Total Inorganic Nitrogen |
RPOrg P | Refractory Particulate Organic Phosphorus | LimP-C | Algae Limit: Phosphorus-Cyanobacteria |
LPOrg P | Labile Particulate Organic Phosphorus | LimP-D | Algae Limit: Phosphorus-Diatom Algae |
DOrg P | Dissolved Organic Phosphorus | LimP-G | Algae Limit: Phosphorus-Green Algae |
TPO4-P | Total Phosphate | LimN-C | Algae Limit: Nitrogen-Cyanobacteria |
RPOrg N | Refractory Particulate Organic Nitrogen | LimN-D | Algae Limit: Nitrogen-Diatom Algae |
LPOrg N | Labile Particulate Organic Nitrogen | LimN-G | Algae Limit: Nitrogen-Green Algae |
DOrg N | Dissolved Organic Nitrogen | LimNP-C | Algae Limit: N and P-Cyanobacteria |
NH4-N | Ammonia Nitrogen | LimNP-D | Algae Limit: N and P-Diatom Algae |
NO3-N | Nitrate Nitrogen | LimNP-G | Algae Limit: N and P-Green Algae |
PBioSi | Particulate Biogenic Silica | LimL-C | Algae Limit: Light-Cyanobacteria |
AvailSi | Dissolved Available Silica | LimL-D | Algae Limit: Light-Diatom Algae |
COD | Chemical Oxygen Demand | LimL-G | Algae Limit: Light-Green Algae |
DO | Dissolved Oxygen | LimT-C | Algae Limit: Temperature-Cyanobacteria |
TActM | Total Active Metals | LimT-D | Algae Limit: Temperature-Diatom Algae |
FColi | Fecal Coliform | LimT-G | Algae Limit: Temperature-Green Algae |
MacAlg | Macroalgae | LimA-C | Algae Limit: All Factors-Cyanobacteria |
EFDC_Explorer Derived Parameters |
| LimA-D | Algae Limit: All Factors-Diatom Algae |
Tot C | Total Organic Carbon | LimA-G | Algae Limit: All Factors-Green Algae |
Tot P | Total Phosphorus | TSI | Carlson's Trophic State Index |
TORN | Total Organic Nitrogen | TSS | Total Suspended Solids (Inorg & Org) |
TORP | Total Organic Phosphorus | POrg P | Particulate Organic Phosphorus |
Habitat Analysis
The user may undertake a habitat analysis of the water column when the Water by Layer drop down is selected as shown in Figure 7 51 Figure 2. This tool is access by ALT-H. The user may analyze any of the parameters displayed in the Options in frame in the right hand column. The user should set critical levels (in this case temperature, oC), critical depths and critical duration (in hours) and press Display. EFDC will then calculate the number of cells for which these criteria apply, displaying the area and volume in the yellow Habitat Criteria box, as well displaying the critical cells. A second critical duration may also be displayed concurrently.
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Figure 2 ViewPlan: Water by Layer, Habitat Analysis tool.