During the execution of a model, EE10 EE supports the configuration of the run screen to display specific parameter information for a specific cell. This is configured in the Show tab under EFDC Model Linkages as shown in Figure 1. Users can select the parameter of interest from the drop-down menu, and choose a specific cell by indicating the cell indices L, I and J. When L the index has been changed the corresponding I and J indices are updated automatically. Users can also choose the preferred interval to display this result in the Print Interval field.
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Figure 1. EFDC+ Model Linkages: Show tab.
An example of the command window for EFDC+ is shown in Figure 2 below. A description of the parameters displayed in the EFDC+ command window are provided in Table 1. Included in the table are descriptions of the report the EFDC+ provides for model timing when the simulation successfully completes.
Figure 2. EFDC+ Run Time Command Window
Table 1. Parameters displayed in the Run Time Command Window.
Parameter | Description |
TIME IN DAYS | time for model simulation (Julian Days) |
TIME STEP SEC | model time step (seconds) |
ELEV SURF CM | water surface elevation (centimetres) |
VEL E SURF CM/S | velocity in the east direction at the water surface (centimeters / second) |
VEL N SURF CM/S | velocity in the north direction at the water surface (centimeters / second) |
DYE SUR PPM | dye concentration at the water surface (part per million) |
AV SURF CM/S | depth normalized vertical turbulent eddy viscosity at the water surface (centimeters / second) (EFDC+ multiplies by depth to report) |
AB SURF CM/S | depth normalized vertical molecular diffusivity at the water surface (centimeters / second) (EFDC+ multiplies by depth to report) |
VEL E BOTT CM/S | velocity in the east direction at the bottom (centimeters / second) |
VEL N BOTT CM/S | velocity in the north direction at the bottom (centimeters / second) |
DYE BOTT PPM | dye concentration at the bottom (parts per million) |
AV BOTT CM/S | depth normalized vertical turbulent eddy viscosity at the bottom (centimetres / second) (EFDC+ multiplies by depth to report) |
LMIN | L index of the cell that requires the minimum timestep size |
T HDMT ONLY | time for hydrodynamic and mass transport solution routine |
T SSEDTOX | time for toxic sediment routine |
T CALPUV | time for external mode solver for flows routine |
T CONG GRAD | time for conjugate gradient routine |
T EXPLICIT | time for EXPLICIT routine |
T CALC AV | time for AV calculations routine |
T CALC UVW | time for internal mode solver routine |
T TURB QQQ | time for turbulence routine |
T T&B SHEAR | time for T&B shear routine |
T HEAT PRCS | time for heat process routine |
T PART TRK | time for particle tracking routine |
T ADV TRANSP | time for advective transport routine |
T HORIZ DIF | time for horizontal diffusivity routine |
T VERT DFUSN | time for vertical diffusion routine |
WQ KINETICS | time for water quality kinetics routine |
WQ RPEM | time for rooted plant and epiphyte routine for water quality |
WQ DIAGEN | time for diagenesis routine for water quality |
NOT USED | vacant for future use |
MPI EE GATH | time for MPI EE gathering routine |
MPI COMMUNIC | time for MPI communications routine |
CPU USER | time for CPU USER routine |
CPU SYSTEM | time for CPU SYSTEM routine |
ELAPSED TIME | time elapsed for model run |
CPU TIME | time for CPU |
CONGRAD | MPI communication time for conjugate gradient |
CALPUV | MPI communication time for external mode solver for flows |
CALUVW | MPI communication time for solving the internal mode momentum equations and continuity equation |
CALTRN1 | MPI communication time for calculating explicitly advective transport of scalar field concentration variables (not used) |
CALTRN2 | MPI communication time for calculating explicitly advective transport of scalar field concentration variables (not used) |
CALCONC | MPI communication time for calculating scalar field (concentration) transport |
CALQQ | MPI communication time for calculating transport of turbulent kinetic energy and length scale |
BEDLOAD | MPI communication time for calculating transport Equation for bedload |
HDMT1 | MPI communication time for calculating surface wind stresses |
TOTGHOST | Total time of MPI communication |
TOT_AR | MPI total time for combining values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes (MPI All Reduce) |
ARCONGRD | Total time of MPI All Reduce for conjugate gradient |
ARCALSTEP | Total time of MPI All Reduce for calculating of time step |