Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



The New Project button clears all the data in the workspace, and the user will start working on a new project.

The Load button loads a project saved on the computer's hard drive or in some external memory.

The Save button saves the entire project to one .GPP file

The Import button imports external files (see below for details).

The Export button exports the grid to different grid types (see below for details).

Toggle the Layer Control on/off.

View full layer extent.

Restore the previous view.
Select object
Mode node: this allows to move grid node, polyline node, or spline node.
Add node: this allows to will add a node in general. A node can be a grid node, a node of polyline, or splines.
Delete node: this allows to remove the grid node, polyline node, or spline node.

Image Added

Edit objects by polygon

Add a new polyline.

Add a new spline.

Select object

Undo operation

Redo operation

Image RemovedImage Added

Create a grid from splines

Create a rectangular grid

Create a radial grid

Refine grid

Coarse grid

Orthogonalize grid

Merge two grids

Image RemovedImage Added

Global settings

Measurement Tool

Frame control: To add the North Arrow and Scale bar
