This guidance is based on the assumption the user has a correctly configured and running EFDC+ hydrodynamic model. From this model the user will be guided on how to configure EEMS to export the required files for WASP7/8 water quality simulations.
Generate WASP linkage
file (*.hyd) from EFDC+
The first step is to generate a hydrodynamic linkage file (*.hyd) for use in the WASP model. From the Model Control form, go to the Timing/Linkage tab, as shown in Figure 1.
To run the model, follow the steps below, as shown in Figure 4.
Click on the Run EFDC+ button at the top of the model interface to run the model. The EFDC+ Run Options form will appear; Figure 4. in this form, under the General tab, set the Number of OMP Threads to use for the EFDC+ run in the EFDC+ Multi-Threading frame. Note that the number of threads used for the EFDC+ run must be smaller than the total number of threads.
(1) Check on Hydrodynamics checkbox, then browse to the efdc_dsi_wasp.hyd file generated from EFDC+;
(2) Select the Solution Technique as Cosmic ;
The next step when setting up a new WASP is to check at this point if the data provided by EFDC+ hydrodynamic linkage file are read correctly by WASP8. User can also check the numerical stability of the hydrodynamic linkage by inspecting the “Mass Check” system on the runtime and in model output.
(2) Check on the output checkboxes for Mass Check, as well as the transport quantities that user wants to write out to compare with the EFDC+ model.
(3) Click the OK button to save the setting (Figure 9).
As shown in Figure 14, the mass check concentration of the segments approaches 1.0 mg/L. It means the simulation is run for a sufficient duration and reaches to steady-state.
Figure 15 shows a comparison of the water velocity in WASP and EFDC+ at cell yy. The two curves are almost identical, provide verification of the flow information from the hydrodynamic linkage.