Versions Compared


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The form for Jet/Plume boundary condition (Jet Plume - BCFigure 1) features the Current Boundary Cell and Boundary Group Conditions frames similar to the Flow Boundary Conditions form. Although in Current Boundary Cell for Jet/Plume, the user must define an upstream cell and a downstream cell simultaneously. In the Jet/Plume Type drop-down menu the user specifies the flow data of a jet plume boundary to link to with the time series options.  These options include by-passing (ICAL=0), using a flow time series (QSER, ICAL=1), using a withdrawal return time series (W/R, ICAL=2). The Flow Series and W/R Series in Flow Assignment for Cell is enabled according to the Jet/Plume type selected.

In the Entrainment Opt menu the user sets whether to use the maximum of shear and forced entrainment , or to use the sum of shear and forced entrainment.

The Entrainment Stop menu provides three options for stopping the entrainment: stop at a specified number of elements (ISTJP=0), stop when the center-line penetrates the center-line penetrates the bottom or of the surface (ISTJP=1), or stop when the boundary penetrates the  boundary penetrates the bottom or of the surface (ISTJP=2).

Other options include setting the Entrainment Error Criteria, which is a factor used in the iterative solution. An adjustment factor for the Froude Number may also be set. The user may also specify the frequency, in the number of time steps, to update the jet/plume calculations.

In the Diffuser Port Settings frame the user may specify the settings for each discharge cell including the number of ports, the elevation, and the diameters of the port outlets, as well as the horizontal (azimuth) and vertical (altitude) angles.  It should be noted that the flow in the QSER file is multiplied times the number of ports for the total flow for that BC cell. So for example, if a user has 10 ports with each port having a time series of 0.15 cms assigned for the jet, then the total flow is 10 * 0.15 cms = 1.5 cms.
