This form provides tools to assist the user in assigning the initial conditions for the water depth and surface elevation. When an Assign Elevation button is pressed, the Apply Cell Properties via Polygons : Water Surface Elevations form is displayed with appropriate options for that parameter as shown in Figure 1.
The options and format of data files that may be imported are described in Apply Cell Properties: Bottom Elevation.
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Figure 1. Initial Water Surface Elevations and Depths.
Download Online Data
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EE supports the download of online water elevation data from open source data sets as shown in Figure 2. Users Users are able to select the data set from using the drop-down Data Set. The currently available open source sites are:
HYCOM Global Surface Data (1/12°): HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) is a product from the HYCOM Consortium that forecasts global ocean conditions. Water Elevation data is available to download and the user manual can be found on the website HYCOM.
The Temporal Information is not fixed and changes regularly as the data set is updated. Click on the Get button to get the available time range for downloading. Once the data appears, set the download time (set the same value both boxes as it is one time) in the Time Range section and see the corresponding the corresponding Time Zone .
The spatial data information of the Data Set is provided in Spatial Information section. The Data Extraction Limits is automatically set to the whole model domain, the user can manually download and apply the data for a specific area by checking the Using Polygon File and browser to the closed polygon that contains the area inside.
Click on Download button and EE will download and apply the latest bathymetry data of the selected Data Set to the whole model or specific defined areaspecific defined area. The user can also save the extracted data to a file if needed by checking on Save Log File checkbox before downloading.
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Figure 2. Extract Online Data.