

During the execution of a model, EE supports the configuration of the run screen to display specific parameter information for a specific cell. This is configured in the Show tab under EFDC Model Linkages as shown in Figure 1. Users can select the parameter of interest from the drop-down menu and choose a specific cell by indicating the cell indices L, I, and J. When L the index has been changed the corresponding I and J indices are updated automatically. Users can also choose the preferred interval to display this result in the Print Interval field.

Figure 1. EFDC+ Model Linkages: Show tab.

An example of the command window for EFDC+ is shown in Figure 2 below. A description of the parameters displayed in the EFDC+ command window is provided in Table 1. Figure 3 shows the model run time report that is displayed when the simulation is successfully completed. Table 1 also includes descriptions of the various times that EFDC+ reports. 

Figure 2. EFDC+ Run Time Command Window

Figure 3. EFDC+ Model Run Time Report  

Table 1. Parameters displayed in the Run Time Command Window.

TIME IN DAYStime for model simulation (Julian Days)
TIME STEP SECmodel time step (seconds)
ELEV SURF CMwater surface elevation (centimeters)
VEL E SURF CM/Svelocity in the east direction at the water surface (centimeters/second)
VEL N SURF CM/Svelocity in the north direction at the water surface (centimeters/second)
DYE SUR PPMdye concentration at the water surface (part per million)
AV SURF CM/Sdepth normalized vertical turbulent eddy viscosity at the water surface (centimeters / second) (EFDC+ multiplies by depth to report)
AB SURF CM/Sdepth normalized vertical molecular diffusivity at the water surface (centimeters / second) (EFDC+ multiplies by depth to report)
VEL E BOTT CM/Svelocity in the east direction at the bottom (centimeters/second)
VEL N BOTT CM/Svelocity in the north direction at the bottom (centimeters/second)
DYE BOTT PPMdye concentration at the bottom (parts per million)
AV BOTT CM/Sdepth normalized vertical turbulent eddy viscosity at the bottom (centimeters/second) (EFDC+ multiplies by depth to report)
LMINL index of the cell that requires the minimum timestep size

T HDMT ONLYtime for hydrodynamic and mass transport solution routine
T SSEDTOXtime for toxic sediment routine
T CALPUVtime for external mode solver for flow routine
T CONG GRADtime for conjugate gradient routine
T EXPLICITtime for EXPLICIT routine
T CALC AVtime for AV calculations routine
T CALC UVWtime for internal mode solver routine
T TURB QQQtime for turbulence routine
T T&B SHEARtime for T&B shear routine
T HEAT PRCStime for heat process routine
T PART TRKtime for particle tracking routine
T ADV TRANSPtime for advective transport routine
T HORIZ DIFtime for horizontal diffusivity routine
T VERT DFUSNtime for vertical diffusion routine
WQ KINETICStime for water quality kinetics routine
WQ RPEMtime for rooted plant and epiphyte routine for water quality
WQ DIAGENtime for diagenesis routine for water quality
NOT USEDvacant for future use
MPI EE GATHtime for MPI EE gathering routine
MPI COMMUNICtime for MPI communications routine
CPU USERtime for CPU USER routine
CPU SYSTEMtime for CPU SYSTEM routine
ELAPSED TIMEtime elapsed for the model run
CPU TIMEtime for CPU 

CONGRADMPI communication time for conjugate gradient
CALPUVMPI communication time for external mode solver for flows
CALUVWMPI communication time for solving the internal mode momentum equations and continuity equation
CALTRN1MPI communication time for calculating explicitly advective transport of scalar field concentration variables (not used)
CALTRN2MPI communication time for calculating explicitly advective transport of scalar field concentration variables (not used)
CALCONCMPI communication time for calculating scalar field (concentration) transport
CALQQMPI communication time for calculating  transport of turbulent kinetic energy and length scale
BEDLOADMPI communication time for calculating transport Equation for bedload
HDMT1MPI communication time for calculating surface wind stresses
TOTGHOSTTotal time of MPI communication
TOT_ARMPI total time for combining values from all processes and distributing the result back to all processes (MPI All Reduce)
ARCONGRDTotal time of MPI All Reduce for conjugate gradient
ARCALSTEPTotal time of MPI All Reduce for calculating of time step

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