Geo-reference Map Generation in CVLGrid

Geo-reference Map Generation in CVLGrid

When using EFDC_Explorer and CVLGrid it is often useful to have a background map of the region displayed behind the model. This How-To guide describes the approach to develop these background maps. To create the background map in EE or CVLGrid the following tools are required:

Geo-reference Map Generation Process

Using Google Earth

The software allows us to generate images and coordinates of determined area.

Generally, an image will be determined by two coordinates:

  • Upper Left (UL)/Lower Right (LR) corners, or
  • Lower Left (LL) /Upper Right (UR)

Example: generating geo-reference map for Okeechobee city of Florida, United States.

Step 1: Determine Magnetic Declination

Figure 1. Options feature in Tool menu of Google Earth.

Figure 2. Setup Google Earth Options.

Figure 3. Add a temporary placemark on Lake Okeechobee.

Figure 4. USGS web calculator interface.

Figure 5. Entering the coordinates of the placemark to USGS web calculator.

Figure 6. Declination of the placemark.

Figure 7. Entering declination of the placemark into Heading field.

Step 2: Determine Upper Left (UL) and Lower Right (LR) Coordinates



Easting  467419.45 m E

Northing  3009561.68 m N

Easting  563219.52 m E

Northing  2951517.39 m N

Figure 8. Setup UTM option on Google Earth.

Figure 9. Define UL co-ordinates.

Figure 10. Define LR co-ordinates.

Step 3: Save image for UL-LR Area

Figure 11. UL and LR image saving.

  • Choose Premium resolution
    • Image resolution selection is an optional. Only the professional version of Google Earth allows user to save image with different resolution. In this document, the highest resolution is recommended to be chosen.

Figure 12. Choosing Premium resolution.

Using CVLGrid

  • Click on globe symbol on main menu of CVLGrid then select Setup.

Figure 13. Geo-Referencing tool in CVLGrid.

  • Load the bitmap file (browse to image of Lake Okeechobee, which was generated by Google Earth). The bitmap file is the image file which is called in CVLGrid. The image generated by Google Earth is a JPEG image (*.jpg), so the bitmap file is to be loaded is the JPEG image.

Figure 14. Load bitmap file.

  • Right mouse click on UL then choose Point 1
  • Type the Easting coordinate into X and Northing coordinate into Y

Figure 15. Declare UL co-ordinates.

  • Right mouse click on LR then choose Point 2
  • Type the Easting coordinate into X and Northing coordinate into Y

Figure 16. Declare LR co-ordinates.

  • After typing coordinates of UL and LR then click Update button
  • File/Save Geo-reference File (enter the name and folder location for the geo-reference file) then click Save button.

Figure 17. Save geo-reference file.

Figure 18. Naming and storing geo-reference file.

  • The geo-reference file named Okeechobee Lake.geo is now generated and can be loaded at any time.

Figure 19. Geo-reference file loaded by CVLGrid.