Wind Parameters

Wind Parameters

EE can display a number of parameters related to wind on the 2DH View. The wind parameters come from the wind input file (wser.inp). The options available in the Parameter drop-down menu are shown in Figure 1. This feature displays the 2D assignment of the wind parameters including:

  • Wind Weighting

  • Wind Station

  • Wind Shelter

  • Wind Vector

  • Wind Speed

  • Wind Direction

Figure 1. 2DH View Option: Wind menu.

After adding the wind station parameters to the 2DH View, the wind station marker will be added to the model domain, and on the legend as well (Figure 2).  To show the options available for display, activate the selection and edit mode of the Wind Station in the Layer Control, then RMC on the wind station marker.  Options include View Data Series, Edit Data Series, Show Wind Roses as shown in Figure 2.

Select Show Wind Roses option, a Select Times to Plot form will pop up. The default start time and end time in this form are from input data of the wind station (wser.inp), but we can enter a new start time and end time in this form and then click OK button (Figure 3). A wind rose plot will then be displayed as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 2. 2DH View: Wind Station.

Figure 3. Time selection to plot wind rose form.

Figure 4. A wind rose of a selected station from RMC option.

RMC on the wind rose plot will display various options, including Settings and Hide.

Hide: This option closes the wind rose plot

Settings: This option sets the settings of the wind rose plot.

After selecting the Settings option, the Rose Plot Utility form will pop up as shown in Figure 6. We can change the plot size by moving the cursor to the corner of the plot and then holding the cursor and drag. There are also toolbar buttons on the top of the form which are described in Table 1 below.

Figure 5. A wind rose of a selected station from RMC's option.

Figure 6. Rose Plot Utility.





Load Settings. This option allows opening the setting file (*.rose)

Save Settings. This option will save the wind rose settings to a file (*.rose).

Rose Plot Settings. Selecting this button, the Rose Settings form will pop up as shown in Figure 7. We can set displaying of the wind rose by three tabs, including General, Magnitude, and Direction.

Export Bitmap Image. This option saves the wind rose plot to an image file (*.png, *.jpg, others)

Export Window Metafile Image. This option saves the wind rose plot to a window metafile (*.emf)

Table 1. Rose Plot Utility toolbar.

Figure 7. Rose Settings: General tab.

Figure 8. Rose Settings: Magnitude tab.

Figure 9. Rose Settings: Direction tab.

Once the settings are completed, close the Rose Plot Utility form, the settings will be applied for the wind rose plot in the 2DH View.

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