Wave Visualization

Wave Visualization

2DH View

The wave parameters can be visualized and animated in 2DH View. These can be added to the 2DH View by clicking the Add button in the 2DH View’s Layer Control then select Primary Group: Wave Parameters and the Parameters are available including Wave Height, Wave Period, Wave Direction, Wave Length, Wave Vector, and Wave Cell as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Wave Layer in 2DH View.


Time Series

The graphic of wave time series can be visualized by click the Time Series button or the icon  of the main toolbar. The Extract Time Series Data tab appears as shown in Figure 2. It is possible to plot the time series for a single cell or multiple cells. Firstly, defying the cells to plots is in the box under Selected Cells. Entering the L index, and then press the Enter key, the corresponding I and J indices are filled automatically. The parameter should be defined in the box, Primary Group: Wave Parameters. Add and remove the parameter can be adjusted by the left and right arrow button. The user may define the start and stop day for the time series in Time Series Start/Stop frame (note that the start and stop days should be within the model's start and end date). Clicking OK plots the selected graphs.

Figure 2. Extract Time Series Data.

Figure 3. Wave Height Time Series.

Longitudinal Profiles

The graphic of wave longitudinal profiles can be visualized by click the Longitudinal Profile button or the icon  of the main toolbar.  Figure 4 show the Data Extraction for Longitudinal Profile form. This form is similar to the Data Extraction for 2DV View form. Firstly, it is necessary to define the profile using the drape file or I, J indices and then define the parameter to the plot. The parameter should be defined in the box, Primary Group: Wave Parameters . Add and remove the parameter can be adjusted by the left and right arrows.  Once everything is ready, click OK to generate the plot. Figure 5 shows a longitudinal profile for wave height along with the profile I=56.

Figure 4. Data Extraction for Longitudinal Profile.

Figure 5. Longitudinal Profile.




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