Flight Path Animation

Flight Path Animation

The flight path animation tool allows the user to define and edit a flat path and then create an automated animated sequence through the model domain in View3D. To create a flight path select Show/Hide Flight Path Tools from the dropdown menu as shown in Flight Path Animation#Figure 1. Using the controls now displayed the user may define, save, load and edit a flight path.

Figure 1. View3D: Flight Path Animation.

Controls for the flight path are used to draw a spline that can be either a straight line or a curved line and must contain at least two points. In the main toolbar there are a number of icons that may be used to define the flight path that are explained in Flight Path Animation#Table 1.

Table 1. Flight Path Polyline Tool Buttons.

Open an existing flight path polyline.

Save a flight path polyline. It is necessary to select this icon for the polyline to be saved.

Define a new flight path. LMC in the workspace creates a point. Moving the mouse and LMC in another location creates another point with a line joining the two points. RMC to end drawing the polyline.

Delete previously created line. When this icon is selected, clicking on a line will delete it.

Insert points on an already created line. Once a point is inserted it can be moved to reshape the line.

Move points on a polyline.

Delete points on a polyline.

Edit a point. Edit the x, y, z location of a point as well as the roll.

Assign a constant elevation to the flight path. Sets all the vertical elevations of the flight path at one time as opposed to editing it point by point.


The process for creating a flight path are as follows:

  1. Select the flight path tool drop down Show Flight Path Tool

  2. EE will reset to plan view to draw the flight path in the horizontal plan view

  3. LMC on the first point of the path and LMC for each subsequent point on the path

  4. RMC to end the line

  5. Move or delete points as required using the Move and Delete buttons. Note that it is not possible to pan in this mode except by using the arrow keys

  6. Select the Z button to set the vertical position of the flight path

  7. Use the Edit Point button to further adjust the vertical position or roll of any point

  8. Rotate the model to ensure the flight path is vertically and horizontally correct

  9. Save the flight path

A number of options are available to user to define the flight path. These options are available from the Animate Flight Path from the dropdown on the toolbar and shown in Flight Path Animation#Figure 2. The user can first decide whether or not to display the flight path polygon using the Show check box. It is also possible to adjust the animation steps to provide a smoother visualization. Camera height and angle may also be set. FovY is field-of-view in the y dimension i.e. vertical angle, which may be set to maximize the image size on the screen.

The user may select various options for the path color when editing the lines as well as colors displayed when a line is selected or dragged.

The user can select the spline type to be used for the flight path. The default is the Catmull–Rom spline in which the original set of points make up the control points for the spline curve. "B spline" may also be selected, in which the curve does not remain on the original control points. The user may also select the spline checkbox to switch on or off the use of splines.

Figure 2. View3D: Flight Path Options.

To animate a flight path load the existing flight path from the Show Flight Path tool. Then select the Animate Flight Path from the dropdown on the toolbar. It is possible to animate to an AVI or just animate to screen. For either option the parameters show in Flight Path Animation#Figure 3 should be set.

Figure 3. View3D: Flight Path Animation Parameters.

Selecting OK will animate the flight path as shown in Flight Path Animation#Figure 4.

Figure 4. View3D: Flight Path Animation.

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