

Figure 1 shows the tab for Algae/Water Quality Initial Conditions. The Algae Options frame contains several buttons that, if pressed, allow the user to make adjustments to logical parameter groups. For example the Algal Dynamics button brings up a form as shown in Figure 2. This allows the user to modify the algal default or "background" algal growth rates.

Figure 1  Water Quality Tab: Algae.

Figure 2  Algal Dynamics parameter form.


The Solar Radiation for Algae frame  provides the user with a drop-down menu from which the source for radiation data may be selected, these include: Constant; Read Daily Average (SUNDAY.INP); and Use Solar Radiation in ASER.INP. The Modify button then allows the user to set various solar radiation options including initial solar radiation at the water surface, minimum optimum solar radiation, fraction of day that is daylight, among others.


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