Redistribute Grid Nodes

Redistribute Grid Nodes

Line Smooth

To make the grid domain more even and to redistribute the distance between grid nodes the Line Smooth tool may be used. The steps to do this are:

  1. Select a grid layer in the Layer Control
  2. RMC on a node, hold the Shift key then LMC on the second node (these two nodes must be on the same gridline), and the segment will be highlighted. RMC to display the options, and select the Line Smooth option as shown in Redistribute Grid Nodes#Figure 1. As a result, grid nodes are distributed along with the selected segment as shown in Redistribute Grid Nodes#Figure 2. Note that after applying this option, the grid should be orthogonalized again.

Figure 1. Grid image before applying smoothing.

Figure 2. Grid image after applying smoothing.

Line Attraction

The Line Attraction tool is used to shift grid nodes forward to certain point or line. The nodes within a defined area are moved in the direction a gridline selected by the user. 

  1. Select the grid layer in the Layer Control by LMC on that grid layer
  2. Set the mouse in the selection mode, hold the Shift key then LMC on two edge grid nodes on the same grid line segment. The segment will be highlighted in purple, then LMC on the third grid node to define the area to be affected.  Next, release Shift, then RMC to show options, and select the  Line Attraction option, as shown in Redistribute Grid Nodes#Figure 3. As a result, a set of nodes will be moved forward to the gridline segment as shown in Redistribute Grid Nodes#Figure 4.

Figure 3. Line Attraction option.

Figure 4. A Grid after applying the Line Attraction option.

Line Repulsion

The Line Repulsion option is opposite to the Line Attraction option in that the nodes in the defined area are moved away from the selected grid line. The steps to define the selected gridline and impacted area are similar to the Line Attraction option described above. After defining the impacted area, RMC to display options, and select the Line Repulsion as shown in Redistribute Grid Nodes#Figure 5.

Figure 5. Line Repulsion option.

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