There is a wide selection of options for selecting cells in EE10. The various options are available under the Grid Cell Selection menu of 2DH View as well as the main toolbar as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. These options are summarized in Table 1.

Figure 1. Grid Cell Selection from 2DH View of main menu.

Figure 2. Grid Cell Selection from main toolbar.

Table 1. Sub-features of Grid Cell Selection summary.


Individual CellsThis function allows the user to select a single cell.

Line CrossingThis function allows the user to select multiple cells by drawing a line.

Inside RectangleWhen this function is selected, the user draws a rectangle by LMC and drags so that all cells inside the rectangle are selected.

Inside PolygonWhen this function is selected, the user starts by drawing a polygon with LMC, and ends with RMC, so that all cells inside the polygon are selected.

Inside CircleThis option allows the user to draw a circle by LMC and then dragging to the size of the circle required, then all cells inside the circle will be selected.

Crossing Polyline in File

When selected the Open Polygon File  form appears. The user should then browse to the polyline file and click the  Open button. The result is that cells which are crossed by the polyline are selected.

Inside Polygons in FileWhen selected the Open Polygon File form appears, the user should then browse to the polygons file and click the Open button. The result is that all cells which are inside the polygon are selected.

Containing Points in FileWhen selected the Containing Points in File form appears, the user should then browse to the file and click the Open button. The result is that all cells which have points locate on are selected.

Using CriteriaWhen selected the the Grid Cell Selection by Value form is displayed for user to set the criteria as shown in Figure 3.  This allows the selection of the parameter and a criteria such as greater than, less than or equal to, for a certain value entered by the user. Click the Apply button for this to be applied. 

Show Selected CellsThis option displays a table of the L, I, J cell indices currently selected as shown in Figure 4.

Invert SelectionThis option inverts the current selection so that cells that have been selected will not be selected, and cells that were not selected are. 

Clear SelectionThis function clears the previous selection.

Save SelectionSometimes cells selection takes time to develop. This option allows the user to save the cells selected for later use. The saved file has an extension *.SEL

Load SelectionThis function allows the user to load the saved file of cells previously selected cells.

Figure 3. Grid cell selection  using criteria.

Figure 4. Show selected cells.