When using EFDC_Explorer and CVLGrid it is often useful to have a background map of the region displayed behind the model. This How-To guide describes the approach to develop these background maps. To create the background map in EE or CVLGrid the following tools are required:

Geo-reference Map Generation Process

Using Google Earth

The software allows us to generate images and coordinates of determined area.

Generally, an image will be determined by two coordinates:

Example: generating geo-reference map for Okeechobee city of Florida, United States.

Step 1: Determine Magnetic Declination

Figure 1  Options feature in Tool menu of Google Earth.

Figure 2  Setup Google Earth Options.

Figure 3  Add a temporary placemark on Lake Okeechobee.

Figure 4  USGS web calculator interface.

Figure 5  Entering the coordinates of the placemark to USGS web calculator.

Figure 6  Declination of the placemark.

Figure 7  Entering declination of the placemark into Heading field.

Step 2: Determine Upper Left (UL) and Lower Right (LR) Coordinates



Easting  467419.45 m E

Northing  3009561.68 m N

Easting  563219.52 m E

Northing  2951517.39 m N

Figure 8  Setup UTM option on Google Earth.

Figure 9  Define UL co-ordinates.

Figure 10  Define LR co-ordinates.

Step 3: Save image for UL-LR Area

Figure 11  UL and LR image saving.

Figure 12  Choosing Premium resolution.

Using CVLGrid

Figure 13  Geo-Referencing tool in CVLGrid.

Figure 14  Load bitmap file.

Figure 15  Declare UL co-ordinates.

Figure 16  Declare LR co-ordinates.

Figure 17  Save geo-reference file.

Figure 18  Naming and storing geo-reference file.

Figure 19  Geo-reference file loaded by CVLGrid.