The EFDC Model Linkages tab is shown in EFDC+ Explorer Linkage#Figure 1.
- In the EFDC_Explorer Linkage sub-tab, check Link EFDC Results to EFDC_Explorer checkbox in order to post-process model results (Figure 1).
- The Linkage Output Frequency is used to determine how often EFDC will write the output. This is then multiplied by the Output Interval to determine how often various model results will be written. For example, if the Linkage Output Frequency is 60 minutes, then an Output interval of 6 will lead to model results being written every 6 hours for that parameter.
- Which data to output is selected in the Primary Model Results Linkage Options frame, with the sub-item checkboxes, such as Velocities, Water Column. Water Surface must be turned on for EFDC_Explorer to post-process any of the model results as shown in Figure 1.
- If simulating water quality with the full sediment diagenesis option turned on, EFDC_Explorer can display the spatial and temporal sediment fluxes and concentrations if the user enables the Sediment Diagenesis checkbox. Because the sediment processes are slow, as compared to water column processes, the user has the option to output the diagenesis data at a slower frequency as described above.
- If simulating sediment transport with the maximum number of bed layers > 1, EFDC+ can write the sediment bed properties by layer. Given that the sediment bed dynamics are generally slow relative to the water column dynamics, the user may want to set the sediment bed layer data output interval to a number greater than 1. For example, if the user is writing the water column data every hour but the user only wants sediment bed date every day, the user would specify an output interval of 24 to tell EFDC+ to output the sediment data only every 24th water column snapshot.
- The user may also manually adjust the output interval for the Rooted Plant & Epiphyte Model when applicable.
- High-Frequency Dates are described under Model Analysis.

Figure 1. EFDC_Explorer Linkage setting.