The Jet/PIume sub-model in EFDC is partly described in EPA's "Review of potential modeling tools and approaches to support the BEACH program." Here this sub-model is described as providing a buoyant jet near-field dilution and mixing zone sub-model that is incorporated directly into the EFDC. The model simulates single-port and merging multi-port discharges using a three-dimensional extension of the Lagrangian formulations used in the UM model (Baumgartner et al.. 1994) and the JETLAG model (Lee and Cheung. 1990). The jet/plume model is unique in its use of unsteady fully three-dimensional ambient velocity density and concentration fields and realistic bathymetry for trajectory, entrainment. and dilution calculations. For multi-port discharges the merging of individual port plumes into multiple coalesced plumes is simulated. In addition to simulating the near-field and far-field concentration of dissolved contaminants, jet/plume sub-model simulates sediment transport and the transport and fate of sorptive contaminants including the settling and bed exchange of the suspended and sorbed material (note that water quality parameters are not simulated at this stage).